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Firebase Signing Keys


In order to use any of the Firebase plugins in our application we need to include the correct configuration keys in the build.

The current Firebase configuration files can be downloaded from the project page settings page

If you need to create new keys because they were leaked or for any other reason you will need to follow the Getting Started Menu here.

Android QA and other staging versions are distributed with Firebase Distribution and this file is also help in a base64 string in the CI

Location in the CI

Apple and Android certificates are stored in GitHub as base64 strings that are decoded by the CI when they are needed.

ENV Constants for the keys

Key NameENV StringLocation ENV StringDecoded LocationCI Command
Apple Google Services plistIOS_GS_PLIST_BASE64IOS_GS_PLIST_PATH~/project/VAMobile/ios/GoogleService-Info.plistdecode_ios_keys
Android Google Services jsonGOOGLE_SERVICES_JSONGOOGLE_SERVICES_PATH~/project/VAMobile/android/app/google-services.jsondecode_android_keys
Firebase Distribution KeyFIREBASE_DIST_FILE_BASE64FIREBASE_DIST_DECODE_PATH~/project/VAMobile/android/keys/firebase-dist.jsondecode_android_keys

Firebase Cloud Messaging Service Account

Although push notifications (PN) use the VANotify API to deliver PNs to the app, we still need to provide a service account token to verify the messages through Firebase Cloud Messaging. This token rarely needs to be updated. This private key can be generated through the service account section of the firebase console and installed in Amazon Web Services (AWS). Read AWS messaging token installation documentation.

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